Joe Lansdale on film adaption of novels, trends and comics

Joe Lansdale … Joe Lansdale …
… on film adaption of novels, trends and comics

zur deutschen Übersetzung Joe Lansdale is mainly popular in Germany for his novels about Hap & Leonard. The novels are published under the crime-label, but the action-sequences and the humor in the novels overshadow the detective-attributes and make the books a unique mixture.

Joe is in the US also well known for his Horror-novels and short-stories for which he was honoured with the Bram-Stoker-Award and other high-noted prizes.

Awakening Evarun …

Awakening EvarunAwakening Evarun …

zur deutschen Übersetzung … is the prelude to my Epic Fantasy Trilogy, Prophecy of the Evarun, the first part of which, Veil of the Dragon, is scheduled to be released in May.

Awakening Evarun is written as a serial, with each part being released every 6-8 weeks, like the old dime store cliff hanger novels they used to have long ago.

It’s also illustrated.

Awakening Evarun (Part I of VI)

ExtractAwakening Evarun
Part I of VI

For Nicholas, Maxwell and Julian.
Awakening Evarun is an illustrated serial for Kindle. It is the prequel to my Epic Fantasy Trilogy, Prophecy of the Evarun, the first installment of which, Veil of the Dragon, is scheduled to be available in May, in paperback and Kindle formats.
The first four parts of Awakening Evarun are available on Amazon.

The disconnect. The disassociation. The awareness. The silence.

Zee Zaks Zombieszur deutschen Übersetzung What is it about being a zombie that sets us apart? Why, why zombies? What is it about them that intrigues us such to the point, that we are willing to accept and identify with the idea, the culture, the concept of being a zombie?

The disconnect. The disassociation. The awareness. The silence.

The fast paced realm of existence in today's society that breeds corporate greed, that extols the virtues of existential entitlement, that roils in the muck and mire of exploitive exhaustive competitiveness, that feeds on the rampant desire to consume.

Win a story especially for yourself - You send to hell ...

Win a storyAnd the winner of a story is -
You send to hell ...
We present the winners

Zur deutschen Version
In the next volume of "Adventurers in Hell" Janet and Chris Morris will write a story that contains the character you suggested.

Starting Dec 1st 2011, we gave you the chance to add to the next volume of the Hell-series. The contest ended Dec 23rd 2011, 23:59 central european time.

The Confession: My name is Ju Honisch and I’m a Filker

Ju HonischThe Confession:
My name is Ju Honisch and I’m a Filker

zum deutschen Original FILK is not a typo or a misprint; it is a little known music genre even though it has been in existence for fifty years. Whether the name rose out of a misprint or whether it is a deliberate word-blend of “Folk” and the term “Filch”, who knows? (Translators Note: I am currently living with a Filker by the name of Heather Borean and I believe the term was an actual programme book misprint that everyone liked enough to keep.)
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