Interview with Karen Kuegler-Rugowski on Dietmar Kuegler

Interview with Karen Kuegler-Rugowski on Dietmar Kuegler

Dietmar Kuegler has not only been a personal friend of the late editor Horst von Allwörden, but he had also been a friend of the Zauberspiegel and we published a lot on and from him till his death in Dezember of 2022. He has been one of the great friends of the United States in general, and in particular of the Wild West and its history.

Caring for his legacy and heritage has been the task of his wife, Karen Kuegler-Rugowski, who answered some questions on Dietmar's heritage and the publishing of the first of his stories in the United States. (German version see here)

... Mark Chadbourn on Underground, World's End, the Hereward-Saga and his future projects

Mark Chadbourn... Mark Chadbourn ...
...on »Underground«, »World's End«, the »Hereward-Saga« and his future projects

zur deutschen VersionThrough the historical adventure novel "Hereward the Hunted" I came across the website of the british author Mark Chadbourn. To find out more about Mark Chadbourn and his novels, I contacted the author, who got in touch with me surprisingly quickly and agreed to answer a few questions.These questions gave rise to the following interview, which I would not like to withhold from the readers of the Zauberspiegel...

... Charles G. West on »Stone Hand«, »Wind River«, »Johnn Hawk« and his other western novels

Charles G. West...Charles G. West...
...on »Stone Hand« , »Wind River«, »Jason Hawk« and his other western novels

zur deutschen VersionThrough the western novel "Day of the Wolf" I came across the website of the author Charles G. West. After that, I contact the Author, who surprisingly quick replied, and came forward to answer some questions. My contact with Charles G. West resulted in the following interview I don’t want to keep you back from…

... Linda Stewart on Nick Carter, Sam the cat and her pseudonyms

Linda Stewart... Linda Stewart ...
... on Nick Carter, Sam the cat and her pseudonyms

zur deutschen VersionDuring my inquiries about the series "Nick Carter - Killmaster", I found the author Linda Stewart, who wrote two Carter novels between 1973 und 1975.

After that, I contact Linda Stewart, who quick replied, and came forward to answer some questions. These questions were the basis for the following interview...

George Snyder on Nick Carter, Operation Hang Ten and his other novels and crime series

George Snyder... George Snyder ...
... on Nick Carter, Operation Hang Ten and his other novels and crime series ...

zur deutschen VersionDuring my inquiries about the series "Nick Carter - Killmaster", I found the blog of the author George Snyder, who wrote seven Carter novels between 1969 and 1971. After that, I contact George Snyder, who surprisingly quick replied, and came forward to answer some questions. These questions were the basis for the following interview...

Wayne's Reviews: An Introduction — Taking a chainsaw to media since 2013

Wayne's Reviews - Taking a chainsaw to media since 2013Wayne's Reviews: An Introduction
Taking a chainsaw to media since 2013

Just before Christmas, Horst asked me if I felt like doing any more movie reviews. My answer was 'Yes but...'

Horst agreed with the but. He is willing to let me chainsaw anything I feel like! Which means I want to critique the logic behind the work. Why? Because an entire work of fiction, only hangs together if the base is logical.

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