Garrison, Darwin - Skipping Stones
Ein Beitrag von Sarah Hulcy
I just finished Darwin Garrison's short story "Skipping Stones"
and thoroughly enjoyed it. I've been reading science fiction for
a number of decades so I ask: "Have there been other stories
about races between starships? Huge payoff... assuming you
survive long enough to win." Yes.
But this story contains adventure, excitement, romance, sabotage
and redemption all wrapped up together in a very nice package.
"Skipping Stones" is very-well paced, never bogs down and keeps
your interest right up to the final surprise. Oh, and it's
written in a wry, humorous voice. I recommend this story to
anyone who likes science fiction - but I refuse to call it a
"space opera" (which apparently now applies to anything with FTL
travel) because this is just a good, fun, interesting science
fiction story. Skipping Stones
by Darwin Garrison
- Format: Kindle Edition
- File Size: 112 KB
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
- Language: English
- ASIN: B004WG5KZ8
- Lending: Enabled
- Naked Reader Press (April 12, 2011)
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