July 31st 2099: 100th System-Administrator-Day

Das (historische) Kalenderblatt aus der ZukunftJuly 31st 2099:
100th System-Administrator-Day

zur deutschen Version On July 21st 2009, last Friday of the month of July of the year 2099, the following text was published on the home page of the now legendary site of Ted, inventor and creator of the first ever Sysadmin Day in 2000. Ted is an icon of the world's gratitude for everything that what they do for us - our sysadmins.

Unlike 100, 90 or 80 years ago - see also the quote from the historical website http://www.sysadminday.com/ (link opens in a new window, you are leaving Zauberspiegel-online) further down - we honor the sysadmin who protect us every day from the rigo(u)rs of the injustice of the modern world data store.

In memory of the development of the past hundred years.

Sysadminday - website-logo

How it all began: Kekatos, a sysadmin in Chicago, was inspired to promote this special day when he saw a Hewlett-Packard ad a few years ago. In this ad a system administrator is bombarded with gifts by the staff as thanks for installing new printers.

"I tore out the ad and showed it to some of my colleagues and said: 'Look what this guy received. Where are mine?" joked Kekatos.

Lets face it, System Administrators get no respect 364 days a year. This is the day that all fellow System Administrators across the globe, will be showered with expensive sports cars and large piles of cash in appreciation of their diligent work. But seriously, we are asking for a nice token gift and some public acknowledgement. Its the least you could do.  / Quote from the historical Sysadmin-Website of July 31st 2009

Süßigkeiten - alte Tradition am SysadmindayThe tradition of using an old computer box as a barbecue for the festivities to tinker will soon blow over. The old computers no longer exist, and the supply of metal waste will soon  be exhausted. Instead the low-wage manufacturing countries such as North America or Southern Spain rise steadily. The business of micro and small gifts is not only unabated, but has in recent years, significant increases were reported.
"The ancient tradition that every computer user presents a small gift to the sysadmin, fullfills the expectations of the industry each year", says Nang Petroscampi, stakeholder in the manufacturing metropolis of the Eurasian Union countries, "yet much more important, however, is the upward trend during the last 20 years, where network users offer gifts to other computer users that helped them solving various problems."
Thus, while the manufacturer express their annual satisfaction, at the same time the critical voices get louder. Just like every year. Especially since this anniversary, when the SYSADMINDAY celebrates its centenary anniversary, political opposition gets louder and louder. In Germany and Britain the most massive SYSADMINDAY marches are being planned. In these countries millions of participants are being expected. The aim is, of course, to at least reintroduce December 25th as a statutory holiday. The describe the advocates of the christozenered world simply as "backward" or "narrow-minded" would be too easy. Many of them want to continue the historic - and religious  - origins of the Western world - and disregard the fact that after the age of Pisces (the Christian), was replaced by the phase of Aquarius. followed now by the phase of the data. Facts, which you simply can't ignore.

historische Aufnahme

To the right there is a historic image of a Sysadmin Day. Hardly anyone even remembers the names of these pioneers - their spirit is unforgetable.

When, decades ago, the 25th and 26 December were abandoned in favor of the global economy as public holidays, it was commented by representatives of the five units of  Christian religion as the very much welcomed termination of perverted commercialization. The 24th December as a paid holiday for employees that can proove the visit of a church worship is a relatively new part of the European communitysystem. Whilst this is welcomed in the churches, triggered paranoid critics suspected it to be a long-prepared coup to further strengthen the SYSADMINDAY.
"When you consider," saies Nang Petroscampi thoughtfully, "that the Sysadminday has found its justification for decades and is being celebrated by millions of committed people in full awareness, it makes these critical voices almost ludicrous."
Very angrily James Smyth Jr. III, spokesman for the coalition of new political leaders of industrialized nations, reacts to all related questions and refused statements to this issue as absurd. To constantly associate Christmas and Sysadminday had, in the eyes of national leaders, always been something absolutely out of discussion.
And thus, as every year, the last Friday in July is dedicated to the system administrator. The pros and cons are well known, yet never actually questioned the venerability of the event. Sales are more than satisfactory, bakeries busy with orders for traditional cakes, and people are set to celebrate.
A sad byproduct is, of course, that during all these celebrations, System administrators will hardly be present. Equally traditionally on Sysadminday hackers all over the world are trying  to infiltrate large and small systems and to put even more work on the celebrating people. The life-long imprisonment of many criminal subjects do not seem to be of cautionary effect.
Also of historical importance for the spread of the idea of System Administrator Appreciation Day is this article from the year 2004 from the side it-adminstrator.de

With a heroic coffee consumption administrators keep IT infrastructure running. But thank you for getting rare. Every year on the last Friday in July (it is this time of 30.7.) Exists for the IT administrator, however, a public holiday. (...) So that everyone knows what he must give you, is there a website to Sysdadminday.
For example, a good user satisfaction with the administrator.

So all the world recognizes the achievements of some of the most important people in our society, often without their presence. But the recognition is important in itself - and not the misguided efforts in this subject.

Some key figures:
2051  - Complete renaming of digital supplyhexagons. E.g. Nordhessen-Kassel is being renamed "Versorgungshexagon KS-2578-Submaske 124"

2064 - First REFD - Rapid EnergyFlux Degression is a phenomenon that had been unknown till about 30 years ago. Experts hadn't been able to find a real solution and remedy, not to mention any hints for its reasons.

13. August 2068
- the day made it into the history of networking as the day that almost marked the end of the world. A device that calculated the fragile orbiter of the station had been damaged by REFD. The station came into a tailspin, coming too close to the lunar atmosphere,  men had erected for the mooninstallations, it fell from track and threatened to plunge to Earth. On this very day, this last minute, earth had been rescued by an ingenious systemadministrator that managed to enable a manual bridging,

2070 - 70 years after the first SysAdminDay on the last Friday of the month of July of 2000, the Supreme Council Western decided to promote the SysAdminDay as the main public holiday.

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