... Steven Long Mitchell & Craig W. Van Sickle on the Pretender, tP and their Rebirth
... Steven Long Mitchell &
Craig W. Van Sickle ...
... on the Pretender, tP and their Rebirth
The History
: We had always wanted to tell a story about a person who could be anyone he wanted to be. It seemed like such a wonderful dream.
: Yes, we always wanted to have two level of narration so we could delve deeper into the back story of the man who was finally free.
: Michael was our first and only choice – tP would not have been the same without him or Andrea Parker.
: Andrea blew us away the second she walked into casting and we knew she was everything we’d dreamed Miss Parker could be and so much more.
: They were the characters – it wouldn’t have worked without them
: We wanted an international cast and we are big fans of Patrick. So happy he agreed to bring Syndey to life for us.
: We wanted a character tat would be fun for Miss Parker to play off of. Jon Gries was a fabulous choice for Broots and he always stole the show. He’s a wonderful actor and an even better human being.
: tP was a creative family and EVERYONE contributed greatly to its success.
: It was NBC’s idea and a natural one. We had done these before and enjoyed working with the other creatives.
: You never know what might happen.
: No we have years of Pretender stories left to tell.
: And we are about to start telling them in more ways then one.
: No they were intended to keep the story going.
: And since they didn’t allow us to do that – we have finally come up a way to do it ourselves.
: Miss Parker and Jarod are connected in more ways than just one.
: We will find out more as their story continues. The Future
In the tale of The Pretender, Young Jarod was taken against his will and held away from the world by forces larger then he was. Yet during his captivity he never gave up hope that his fate would be freedom one day - to return to the world to continue the amazing journey we call life.
The story here is very similar. A little over a decade ago, forces larger than tP and for reasons that really don’t matter, made a decision that kept the saga of tP locked away from the world – just like Jarod was.
We know loyal fans were disappointed and yes, so were we. There was so much more to tP that all of you wanted to know and that we wanted to explore.
But there is good news.
Just like Jarod who, after decades of confinement, finally escaped The Centre and ran away to be free. Well now, so has the tP itself. After being locked away for so many years, tP is finally free to return to the world and continue life’s adventure.
As fate would have it, we have regained the rights to give tP the Rebirth it deserves. We can now reinvigorate tP for as long as you want - and no one can ever lock it or Jarod away again.
After thinking long and hard about the best way to bring the tP back, we’ve come up with several different ways to reawaken our much-loved saga for both faithful fans and new fans alike.
First, tP will be reborn as a series of novels enabling us to delve much deeper into the characters’ hearts, minds, souls and lives in a more revealing way that the limitations of a weekly TV series could never allow for.
Second, we’ll add graphic novels to the mix, fleshing out even more provocative details of the early years of Jarod, Miss P, The Centre and much more, leading to…
Third, be it cable/broadcast TV, a Netflix model series and/or a series of Pretender feature films - tP will then be taken to a whole new level with familiar faces and new characters as well.
You have always been loyal to tP and we want you to know that we’ll always be loyal to you.
The Pretender has found freedom – and an amazing journey into life is about to begin again!
The Rebirth of The Pretender will blow your mind.
: Our Pretender Mission Statement ...
: The Pretender wouldn’t be the same without the actors who made it so popular.
: When tP is reborn on film we will have tons of surprises for them and for the fans.
: In ways that will make you smile -
: It will be The Pretender you know --
: And tP you never expected
How much impact did fangroups such as the „Miss Parkers Yahoo-Groupe – FrustratedTpFan“ and their never ending work to continue the series have on the return of the PRETENDER? How important are, all in all, fans really? Are they one argument for the importance of certain series or are they only padding?
: We love to entertain - been doing it our whole lives – and for the past 30 years have made our passion, our career path.
Nothing we have done has reflected that passion more than The Pretender. That the fan groups share equal passion make us all the same.
: The fans are the most important thing there is. They have always been loyal to The Pretender and we will always be loyal to them.
Today series on channels such as HBO receive high praises for quality and entertainment, some say even better and more than the cinema movies. What do you think about that? If you agree, why is that so? And if you don't, what is the advantage of the cinema compared to TV-Series?
: Cable allows for a more in depth character analysis that we find liberating.
: But there are many ways now – many other platforms to enhance the experience we used to think we could only get from tv.
Thank for the q&a and good luck for the return of The Pretender. May it live long and prosper (... oops ... wrong franchise)
the Rebirth of the Pretender will take many forms starting soon.